Dealing with a girlfriend’s unaccepting mother.


I am 22 and four years ago I came out as lesbian to my parents. Let’s just say it didn’t go as planned. I had always been extremely close to my family, but when I told them I was gay, everything changed. I had to get a job to support myself and pay for college. It was a very tough time for me.

Seven months ago I met this really nice girl at work. We started going out as friends. She confessed she liked me as more than friends and by then I was having strong feeling for her as well. Continue reading Dealing with a girlfriend’s unaccepting mother.

Should nieces attend their aunt’s commitment ceremony?


I am a heterosexual mother of a five year old daughter and 11-year-old son. My lesbian sister is planning her “commitment ceremony” and wants my daughter to be the flower girl.

My 11 year old son knows his aunt is a lesbian, but has never really seemed to mind. We have never really discussed it, because it has not been an issue. Now that she is planning basically a “wedding,” it is an issue. Continue reading Should nieces attend their aunt’s commitment ceremony?

Three queer daughters contemplate coming out.


I’m a college student and I came out to my parents three years ago. They already “knew,” but they didn’t start dealing with it until I actually said “I’m a big ol’ protesting, processing, vegetarian, co-habitating, granola-dyke lesbian.”

At first they didn’t take it well and went through various stages of grief and self blame, but they have started to come around and now they can even act like normal human beings when we go out to dinner with my girlfriend.

One of the reasons I wanted to come out to my parents is because I knew my younger sister, still in high school, is gay too. Continue reading Three queer daughters contemplate coming out.

Should a transgender parent come out to his kids and their father?


I am a transgendered man who left my ex-husband two years ago. I left him for other reasons and did not realize — at least, not consciously — that I was transgender until after I left him.

We have two daughters, 4 and 5, who live with him by my choice. I feel that they’re better placed with him than with me, and I visit them regularly. I have made a lot of positive progress in my life since coming out about my gender identity, and just about everybody in my life knows. But I haven’t been able to get up the nerve to come out to my ex. Continue reading Should a transgender parent come out to his kids and their father?

Gay husband jealous of wife’s new boyfriend.


I am a bisexual married man who came out to my wife after 20 years together. My motivation was simply to be honest, and I have been since. We have three young beautiful kids and we love each other very much. I am in the foreign service and we love to travel, live abroad, and have so much in common that we are totally comfortable with our lives.

Since I came out two years ago — an agonizing process — my wife has been accepting and considerate of my situation. Continue reading Gay husband jealous of wife’s new boyfriend.

How should a new gay dad deal with his born-again sister?


My partner and I have been together for 11 years and have a set of 19 month twins via surrogacy. My sister recently became “born again” and has accepted their teachings.

In two recent emails she told me that God did not create me this way, and that homosexuality is an example of Satan’s influence in the world. Continue reading How should a new gay dad deal with his born-again sister?

Brothers’ “inappropriate” behavior at daycare.


I am a child care provider. My question is about how to interact with the children in my care who have a lesbian mother. The boys are 20 months and 2 1/2 years old. I did not know that their mother was a lesbian when they started in my care. It was brought to my attention by their aunt.

These brothers are always hugging and kissing each other, but I never thought anything of it. Continue reading Brothers’ “inappropriate” behavior at daycare.