Category Archives: Lesbian Mom/s

Early apprehensions from lesbian prospective parents.


I am a 27-year-old feminine lesbian. I have recently become serious about starting a meaningful relationship with a woman who is just as feminine as I am. We’ve known each other for a few years, and have recently been idealizing about having children — after we are married, of course.

Here’s the issue/question: My partner seems to be uncertain about how our child(ren) should address us. She’s questioning whether they should refer to us both as mommy or not. Continue reading Early apprehensions from lesbian prospective parents.

Mother to tell daughter: “I’m not gay but my girlfriend is.”


I am a 39 year old single “straight” mother with a 12-year-old daughter. I have always had a lot of boyfriends and am a typical attractive feminine professional woman. For the past year and a half I have been in a relationship with an “openly” gay woman who is very attractive, feminine, and professional.

I do not consider myself “gay” or “bisexual” so I’m not quite sure how to explain my relationship with this woman to my daughter. Continue reading Mother to tell daughter: “I’m not gay but my girlfriend is.”

Teen afraid to ask about biological father.


I am a 17-year-old daughter of a lesbian couple. There is me, my biological mom, my other mom and her two kids from a previous marriage. My parents had been together about 8 years before I was born.

I don’t know my father, his name, heritage, or anything. I can only remember one time the topic of my father really came up in conversation. Continue reading Teen afraid to ask about biological father.

Mom kisses woman. Daughter moves out.


I am a 19 year old college student. I love my mom but hate her at the same time. She has three kids, has been married twice and all of her relationships have been with men. All my life my mother and I have been really close. Three weeks ago, I caught her kissing a woman from her work and we got in a big fight. She said that it made her happy. I am so ashamed and we haven’t talked since.

I miss her. The other day we both broke down and cried. Now she says she is not a lesbian. Yet this other woman sleeps at my house. Continue reading Mom kisses woman. Daughter moves out.

Brothers’ “inappropriate” behavior at daycare.


I am a child care provider. My question is about how to interact with the children in my care who have a lesbian mother. The boys are 20 months and 2 1/2 years old. I did not know that their mother was a lesbian when they started in my care. It was brought to my attention by their aunt.

These brothers are always hugging and kissing each other, but I never thought anything of it. Continue reading Brothers’ “inappropriate” behavior at daycare.

How can I help my friend who isn’t out about having two mothers?


My best friend of 15 years who is the daughter of a lesbian couple. She is 20 years old and was born by artificial insemination. She lies to people and says that her father left her mother when she was young and that her mother’s “friend” moved in to help out with raising her. Continue reading How can I help my friend who isn’t out about having two mothers?

Should a lesbian mother and her partner keep their hands to themselves?


My mom is a [recently out] lesbian and I approve of her lifestyle. However I really don’t want to see [my mom and her partner] being affectionate with each other. I know it sounds like a double standard, but this is my mom…and that’s very hard for me to deal with. Do you have any advice??? Continue reading Should a lesbian mother and her partner keep their hands to themselves?